Then I had a stroke of genius. Pegboards. I love buying notions, and the only thing I love more than buying notions, is organising them. And I realised that if I had a pegboard attached to the back of my main sewing desk, I could use hooks to hang scissors, packs of pins, etc. and have them all within arms reach of my sewing machine.
My usual first search point is eBay, and I found a company that sells pegboard and hooks. I got one that was pre-cut to the exact size of my desk. I also got some L shaped brackets that I could screw under the desk and and rest the pegboard between the back of the desk and the bracket. Simples.
Now seeing as the pegboard is a hideous shade of brown and my sewing room is on its way to having a vintage feel, it didn't really go. I got some primer and some beautiful powder blue paint. While I was at it, I figured I'd add some rose decals to make it look like the Kath Kidston fabric that I use for the soft furnishings in the room.
First of all I covered the pegboard in a couple of coats of the primer, it covered well and knocked the brown right out. Then went with a couple of coats of the powder blue. I left it so it was slightly patchy as I wanted it to have a slightly worn feel. I then added the rose decals. They were pretty easy to attach following the instructions. I won't go into how I did it as you might have a different type of decal that has different instructions.
When my best mate turned up, we moved the room around a bit. Used my big Ikea shelves as a room divider to make it nice and cosy, attached the L brackets to the desk, and moved the desks around so I had a nice L shape desk area.
I got all the hooks in, and my notions organised, and tada, beautiful sewing room where I can sew and overlock without having to keep lifting, and I have all my notions organised and within easy reach.
I also got a Really Useful drawer unit to keep my ever growing fabric stash in. And I got some adhesive pockets that I stuck on the front of the drawers, and printed off some cute labels in a vintage font. When I use some fabric and the drawer is empty, I can swap over the label to keep up with the stash.
The other side of the room divider is my fitting area, where Veronica (my fitting dummy) stands, and I can change without people seeing me through the balcony doors, handy! I'll take some more photos the next time it's tidy and update.
I have a few projects on the go, and will be updating on those, so check back soon :)
Happy sewing!
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